Pricer 的 ESL 系統採用獨特的近紅外光無線通信技術,可快速可靠地更新價格信息。該系統經過精心設計,具有高度可擴展性和節能性,據稱每小時可進行超過35,000次價格更新,不受WiFi或4G等其他無線通信的干擾。

Pricer ESL 的主要特點包括:

  • 即時更新: 價格可在幾秒鐘內在多家商店更新,大大減少了手動更改價格的時間和人力成本。
  • SmartFlash 技術: 這項功能可通過 LED 閃光使 ESL 引起視覺注意,增強促銷活動和客戶參與度。
  • 集成能力: Pricer 的 ESL 可通過 API 輕鬆與現有零售系統集成,實現價格和庫存數據在各種平台的無縫管理和同步。
  • 提升客戶體驗: 通過確保價格準確及時更新,Pricer 的 ESL 改善了購物體驗,幫助零售商維護價格完整性,減少客戶對價格差異的投訴。


Pricer 的 ESL 解決方案特別適用於價格變化頻繁的環境,如超市和連鎖零售店。價格自動化不僅節省時間,還可讓員工將更多精力集中在客戶服務上,而不是手動標籤任務。此外,ESL 還可顯示各種信息,包括產品描述和促銷信息,增強店內溝通。總的來說,Pricer 的電子貨架標籤代表了零售技術的重大進步,為現代零售運營提供了一種具有成本效益和效率的解決方案。






使用 Pricer Instant Flash,比以往更輕鬆快捷!

Click and Collect

電子商務履行:使用 Pricer Instant Flash 的點擊取貨解決方案。

產 品 概 要

SmartTAG Color

A new level of consumer engagement with 4 colors
  • Full range of sizes from medium/large shelf labels to larger displays.
  • Full support for Black, White, Red and Yellow simultaneously
  • Highest resolution for beautiful clear graphics
  • Up to 10 years battery life
  • Multi-color and multi-level flash for different use cases (RGB, Flash types: 4)
  • Integrated NFC as standard
  • Multiple pages for merchandising and inventory information


Tailored label for peg hooks
  • The slimmest product on the market
  • Saves 16% of sales space compared to dual-arm peg hooks
  • Thin and robust design is tailor-made for dual-arm peg hooks
  • Exceptional battery life
  • Replaceable batteries

SmartTAG Power & Power+

Additional Useable Power
  • Fully graphic, E-ink displays – paper like
  • Up to 10 years battery life (15 years for Power+)
  • Multi-color and multi-level flash for different use cases (RGB, Flash types: 4)
  • Integrated NFC as standard
  • Black & White, Red (Yellow on request)
  • Multiple pages for merchandising and inventory information
  • Small, medium, large, shelf edge attached displays
  • Dedicated freezer label

SmartTAG HD 300

The biggest electronic display

The new HD 300s superhigh resolution and contrast create great attention to in-store campaigns and messaging. 

Special prices and promotions are appreciated by customers. It is a good way to reduce waste and generate extra sales. By using digital displays, it is easy and flexible to do regular promotions that look nice and professional in the store.

The HD 300 is one of the largest displays on the market. It has a higher resolution (131 dpi) than most other ESLs in this size range. If you want the customers who are visiting your store to notice and take action on your promotions the HD300 display is a great choice.

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